Doctor Puppet is a stop motion project I stumbled into then spent six years making. It’s a little hard to explain - so bear with me!
I’m a big fan of the BBC’s classic sci fi show Doctor Who. In 2012, I turned its titular character into a puppet as an example for a stop motion animation class. I posted some photos of the puppet on Tumblr under the name Doctor Puppet and they quickly gained popularity. This inspired me to make a little stop motion animated Christmas fan film which led to more attention for the puppet.
In early 2013, I was invited to join The Nerdist’s network on YouTube and make more Doctor Puppet content. This allowed me to hire some help and produce more ambitious stories. Over the next few years, I built 20 more puppets as my team and I made over a dozen stop motion animated Doctor Puppet shorts. Eight of them tell a serialized story written by me. I also ran two successful crowdfunding campaigns to raise additional funding for Doctor Puppet.
Doctor Puppet has over 4 million views on YouTube. Clips have been seen on BBC America, SyFy, and in a BBC-produced documentary. It's also given me the opportunity to speak about stop motion animation and Doctor Who at conventions, schools, and libraries across the US (and one time in the UK!)
In 2018, I created a puppet variant cover for the 13th Doctor’s official comic book debut.
The completion of the final Doctor Puppet video was celebrated with a screening of the eight-part story at Gallifrey One 2019, the largest Doctor Who fan convention in the world.
Here are my favorite Doctor Puppet videos.
Visit the YouTube channel for more!

Doctor Puppet in the press:

Team Doctor Puppet at Gallifrey One in 2019